she's a strange one as sometimes she's great, then at others, a lump of wood. But I digress, then you have Rose Leslie as Chloe. or is he gonna be like Bruce Willis stuck in a rut being John McClane in every film he does? Can anybody remember when he was Hudson Hawk. I would love to see him stretch his acting wings to take in a few more characterisations. Vin Diesel once again does a great job at being Vin Diesel.

Any adult should know where this story is going and all the twist reveals well in advance of their actual reveal. Mainly, because it's all been done before and maybe they didn't want to get too complicated and confusing as the film is aimed at a 12A audience. What's happening? Who's behind it? What's the twist? All good questions, though all, are pretty easy to figure out. There's at least an air of a mystery in the story, something is happening in the magic community and it's not good. So this is pretty much a Vin Diesel vehicle and to be honest, it's kinda like Riddick without the contact lenses. not only does he have the women, but he has his own toys, fast cars, and a penthouse. However, judging by the notches on his bedpost this curse has backfired on the witch because it looks like he's enjoying life.

However, as witches are accustomed, she doesn't die easily. In a last ditched attempt, Kaulder attacks and runs her through with his sword of fire. The battle between Queen and mortals is fast and furious with everyone but Kaulder and the Queen being slain. Kaulder (Diesel) and his gang are hinting the Witch Queen who is intent on the destruction of the human race. So way back when witches roamed the land so did Witch Hunters. Reviewed by Stephen Abell 6 / 10 / 10 Riddick In The Light.