Personal attacks, harassment and threats.Homophobia, sexism, racism or any other derogatory language.Doxing (releasing personal information).This is an English speaking community, all non-English posts and comments will be removed.If your mod fails on Mac or Linux even after many tries you will have to pre-compile your mod in that case.Pictures of real-life things or things from other games that resemble things found in Terraria are subject to moderator discretion It is sometimes tough to build mods on Mac or Linux. tmod extension for distribution of your mod. Then click on the “Open Mods Folder” button where you will find the. If you want to distribute your mod, go to the main menu and click on the “Mods” button. But if the mod fails, you will get a compile error along with the option to view the compile errors as a text file. If your mod is successfully created then you will be brought back to the main menu.

Once you are done you can start building your mod from “Mod Sources”. png files in that new folder you created. Click on the “Mod Sources” button which you can see on the main menu, then you need to open the folder containing the mod sources by clicking on “Open Sources”.Ĭreate another folder in this folder for your mods. Once you have tModLoader 1.4 on your device, first open it.

TML is designed in a way that you don’t have to do a lot of work to update to upcoming Terraria versions. The modder has full control over the game which helps him in making his own custom mods. TModLoader is really simple and easy to use. All the players must have TML installed if they want to play together. However, it is impossible for vanilla players to play with TML users. You can play with one mod or multiple mods at the same time. TModLoder 1.4 is specially designed for you to create and play Terraria mods alone as well as with your friends. You can download TML on any OS including Mac OS, Windows, and Linux. Terraria players are able to create and play Terraria mods without having to change the main game source code. The best part about tModLoder 1.4 is that you don’t have to work with Terraria’s source code itself.